food is a common love for every member in my home. making a healthy scrumptious meal for my family to enjoy is a way to show my love.

last year I discovered my daughter and I were allergic to some food. she was having trouble potty training so I put us on an elimination diet and her troubles cleared up. at that point it felt like we both had reactions to soy, refined sugar, dairy, wheat and fish. being a vegetarian already, the list of food to consume dropped dramatically. through research and much trial and error I came to learn wheat is in EVERYTHING! and soy! about 6 months ago my daughter and I went to an allergist and he confirmed we were both allergic to wheat and cantaloupe. since then we eat little of the things we have reactions to and no wheat.

all recipes are simple and relatively fast. we have 4 people in our family so most will feed four. everything posted is wheat free, little dairy and soy. I am currently putting together a cookbook that will be simple, wheat free and almost vegan (I eat honey).

Sunday, June 16, 2013

bok choy, mozzarella, garlic scramble

basically these days I don't feel up to cooking and have items going bad and left overs from lack of appetite so this is another leftover meal.

one to two eggs per person. a ton of bok choy and mozzarella with some garlic and evoo. leftover pasta sauce. 

over med/high heat drop in some evoo and garlic. add the eggs bok choy and mozzarella and scramble. place on plate and top with a few scoops of tomato sauce. enjoy!

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